Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Simest, support to SMEs for missions abroad

BigItaly focus
BigiItalyfocus is a daily news service offering informations and insights on the best of the italian presence in the world.
From Monday to Friday, BigItalyFocus provides an information overview, ranged from development aid to made in Italy

(March 16 2017) For SMEs increase the presence and spread its own brand abroad is now more accessible and convenient: you can use the Simest tool "Participation in Fairs and Exhibitions" to finance the participation at "System Missions". These initiatives - promoted by Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and organized by Ice, Confindustria and other institutions and associations - tare very important for Italian companies because they have the aim of promoting and supporting Made in Italy on markets outside the EU. The tool, dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises, provides the eligibility of expenses up to a maximum amount of 100,000 Euros. The duration of the loan is 3.5 years, while the interest rate is subsidized and is equal to 10% of the EU reference rate: currently corresponds to 0.092% per annum. (Red)


Simest help companies throughout the cycle of expansion abroad, since first assessment of opening in a new market, to the expansion through direct investments. Simest operates through funding for internationalization, exports credit supportand capital participation. Also it works with EU funds. Simest, together with Sace, is part of the Export sector and Internationalisation of the Cdp Group, a single point of contact for businesses that includes all the tools to compete and grow internationally. Simest adheres to EDFI - European Development Financial Institutions network, and is a partner of the world's leading financial institutions.

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