Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

From Tuscany to Bolivia in the name of protecting cultural heritage at risk

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From Tuscany to Bolivia in the name of protecting cultural heritage at risk

(24 April 2017) From Tuscany to Bolivia in the name of protecting history, traditions, beauty and culture. The UNESCO Chair programme, established at the University of Florence for the prevention and the sustainable management of geological risk, has launched a mission in Bolivia for the preservation of endangered cultural heritage. Daniele Spizzichino, from Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) and Luca Lombardi, a specialist from the Department of Earth Sciences have been engaged, since April 15th, in the prevention and conservation of the archaeological site of Tiwanaku and the approximately cross-shaped Akapana Pyramid – a project that was launched and coordinated by UNESCO Quito, the representative body for Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. Tiwanaku is one of the most important archaeological sites in Bolivia located at the south-eastern shore of Lake Titicaca 72 km west of the city of La Paz, and from which the pre-Colombian Tiwanaku civilisation takes its name. The activities of the UNESCO Chair programme- as stated on the University of Florence website - mainly involve monitoring and conservation strategies of the Akapana pyramid whose stone layer was largely removed for reuse. The mound in the ground, no longer protected by the coating, is subject to erosion. Monitoring involves periodic laser scans for geo-mechanical, geological and geomatics tests. The main purpose of the mission is to create a high resolution 3D model, both for documentary purposes, measurement and locating hydrogeological risk reduction interventions that are based on erosion mitigation strategies at a low cost through traditional techniques and utilising natural materials. (red)


The UNESCO Chairs programme for the prevention and sustainable management of geological risk directed by Paolo Canuti, was established in 2016 at the University of Florence with the aim of promoting research and education in this area. It is promoted by the Department of Earth Sciences and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University.

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