Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Erasmus +: in 2017 in Europe scholarships for 2,500 Italian teachers

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Erasmus +: in 2017 in Europe scholarships for 2,500 Italian teachers

(June 6, 2017) A summer of education with the possibility of meeting with colleagues from other European countries, attending courses or exchanging experiences and teaching practices abroad. It is the opportunity for training mobility provided by Erasmus + to teachers, but also to school staff and adult education staff. The evaluation procedures conducted by the Erasmus + Indire National Agency for Education Mobility Learning Projects 2017 have just ended with regard to Key Action 1 in School Education and Adult Education. In the field of school education the Agency received 662 applications and approved, after formal and qualitative selection, 120 projects that will allow 2,561 (+ 21% compared to 2016) people between teachers, executives and school staff, to carry out a European mobility experience for a training course, job shadowing, or teaching assignments. The financial commitment to support mobility in this area is € 5,288,751 (+ 22.6% compared to the 2016 budget). Each project on average will allow the mobility of 21 people, while the most active regions are Campania, Sicily and Puglia. (Red)


With regard to Adult Education, mobility will affect about 406 people (+ 8% compared to 2016), a result of the 21 winner projects submitted by adult education organizations, for a total funding of 804,646 euros (+ 23% compared to 2016 funding). In this context the most present regions are Lazio, Apulia, Lombardy and Sardinia. Overall, compared to the 95 applications received by the Agency, 22.1% of the submitted projects will be funded, with an increase in approval rate of 6% over 2016.

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