Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Discovering rural recipes of Italian Agrichefs

BigItaly focus
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Discovering rural recipes of Italian Agrichefs

(June 9, 2017) Bringing real authentic food & wine Made in Italy to the world, together with the discovery of agritourisms rural hospitality and farm recipes prepared by Agrichefs. Among the protagonists of the new international promotion event organized in Toronto by Gambero Rosso with the Italian Cia-Agricoltori and Cno-Consorzio nazionale olivicoltori - and dedicated to connoisseurs, foreign press, opinion leaders and companies together with the best Italian Tre Bicchieri wines – the Agricultural receptive structures and country cooks that bring biodiversity to the table, engaging primarily in transforming proximity productions in respect of seasonality and rural knowledge. The objective is to make the network of Italian agritourisms selected by Cia and Verde Tourism known abroad, guaranteeing quality and communicating the values of the national agri-food tradition, also through the realization of local dishes. The event was attended by the Consul of Italy in Toronto Giuseppe Pastorelli. The Deputy Vicar of Cia Cinzia Pagni, the Head of the International Office Cristina Chirico, the General Manager of Gambero Rosso Luigi Salerno, the leaders of Cno Francesca Vannini and Benedetto Accogli. Beside a guided tour of agritourism best structures in various regions of Italy, the Gambero Rosso Toronto event - the third of the international events that in the past few months led to Copenhagen and Los Angeles the Italian companies associated with Cia and Cno - has been further characterized by two 100% rural cooking shows: Agrichef Lia Galli has prepared "Peposo di Lia", a recipe for Tuscan tradition, while Agrichef Giulio Sparascio has cooked the so-called "Sagne torte", a typical tomato pasta typical of rural Puglia. Not to mention the Masterclass on extra virgin olive oil by Cno, to deepen every aspect of yellow gold with tasting sessions of various types of high quality EVO. (Red)


The opening and development of new markets is an indispensable priority for Italian agri-food. For this reason – explain the three organizations motivating the choice of Toronto - the Free Trade Agreement with Canada (CETA) is an important opportunity. Canadian consumers have shown over the last few years appreciation for Italian and European excellence, which are guaranteed by the world's safest production standards. On about 180 certified quality products that have been recognized within the negotiation, about a quarter are Made in Italy. With the signing of the treaty, most of the Italian Dop and Igp will enjoy a level of protection never seen before. It is a particularly strategic asset for Italian agriculture, which deserves all the efforts and attentions it needs to enhance it in the markets. Only in the last year, between agricultural products, food and beverages, national exports to Canada have exceeded 640 million euros and, from 2000 to today, they grew by 39%.

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