Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Scientific Journalists: Here is the tool kit on "nuclear safety culture": an idea made in Italy

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Scientific Journalists: Here is the tool kit on

(23 June 2017) The World Federation of Scientific Journalists has produced a tool kit on "nuclear safety culture" now available on The idea launched by Professor Ambrosini from the University of Pisa during his presidency at the European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) in 2015 was realised in the framework of the European project NUSHARE that is now coming to an end. The tool kit, written by journalists for journalists and curated by the French Institute of Radioprotection and Sûreté Nucléaire, is aimed at enabling communication professionals around the world to competently write about nuclear issues in particular, and issues relating to the "culture of security" developed
in this field. (Red)


"The World Federation of Scientific Journalists usually produces 'educational media' to provide journalists with the scientific basics to comment on related events, such as the Ebola pandemic or the Fukushima incident," stated Walter Ambrosini. This is an important step in creating a direct link between the scientific community and those whose work is the the dissemination of scientific information."

(© 9Colonne - citare la fonte)