Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Italy at the international conference "Raça, Identidade, Mundialização"

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The International Conference "Raça, Identidade, Mundialização - Desmentido dominações e transformações. Um diálogo entre a psicanálise and as ciências sociais ", is organised in Lisbon by the Clinical Ethnopsycology Centre of the Instituto Supremo de Psicologia Aplicada", within the European Network "Psychoanalysis and Facts of Society ", with the support of the Italian Institute of Culture. The conference will take place from November 2nd to the 4th at Ispa. Italy will be represented by Prof. Miguel Mellino, an anthropologist from the Naples Eastern University with the conference "O estado da cries europeia: o neoliberalismo enter biopolitica e necropolitica". The purpose of the conference is to analyse the ties that have led to the creation of flexible narratives adapted to the fluidity of the contemporary world in order to establish renewed practices in the clinical, scientific and political areas, questioning the boundaries between disciplines and culture. This is the second of three conferences, the first of which was held in Dakar, Senegal, in December 2014, co-organised by the Cheikh Anta DIOP University of Dakar, the Association Internationale de la Psychanalyse (A2IP), and the Université Denis Diderot, Paris Sorbonne.

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