Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

The first design school in Kenya from the "Ubora" project

BigItaly focus
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The first Design School has been recently established as part of the UBORA, coordinated by the Research Centre University of Pisa "E.Piaggio" which involves European and African partners. The scope of Ubora is to create a virtual platform for designing and sharing open source designs of medical instruments of European safety standards, accessible to bio-engineers and doctors from different countries. Last week at the Kenyatta University of Nairobi in Kenya, 40 students from African and European countries took part in intensive design and prototyping courses for medical instruments. During the closing ceremony, where delegates from the Italian and Spanish Embassies in Kenya, researchers, professors, and employees of various institutions signed a declaration to promote accessibility of medical devices. The document, "Declaration of Kahawa", expresses the common intent to promote broadly design tools for medical devices such as standards and the UBORA platform in order to guarantee a sustainable healthcare and a more solid University education. (Red)

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