Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Research: here is how quinoa defends us from the sun

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Research: here is how quinoa defends us from the sun

(31 gennaio 2018) For the first time a team of researchers has revealed the mechanism that allows quinoa to resist exposure to extreme ultraviolet rays allowing this plant to survive much longer than other herbaceous species. The study was funded by the Schlumberger Foundation to Research Fellow Thais Huarancca Reyes from the University of Pisa, as part of the programme "Faculty for the Future". The group was coordinated by Lorenzo Guglielminetti of the Department of Agricultural, Food and Agri-environmental Sciences of the University of Pisa who worked together with colleagues Antonella Castagna and Annamaria Ranieri and in collaboration with Andrea Scartazza of the CNR and Eric Cosio Caravasi of the Pontifical University Catholic of Peru. The results of the research were just published in an article in "Scientific Reports", of 'Nature' group. "In recent years, studies focusing on the perception and response to ultraviolet rays have increased - demonstrating an interest also linked to the reduction of the ozone layer in the atmosphere in recent decades", explained Professor Guglielminetti. "But extensive research on the response of a plant that has adapted to extreme ultraviolet exposures, such as quinoa, were not yet available today." (red)

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