Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Italian design and branding in Perù

BigItaly focus
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Italian design and branding in Perù

The Italian Institute of Culture of Lima, in the context of the second edition of the Italian Design Day in the world, in collaboration with the Italian Museum of MUMIT, presents the exhibition "Evolution, change and restyling of main Italian brands". Italian design and branding arrive in Lima thanks to this exhibition that brings together 30 of the most representative brands on the Italian market. Alfa Romeo, Algida, Alitalia, Ferrari, Fiat, Gucci, Lamborghini, Ferrero, Pirelli, Martini, Olivetti, Benetton, and Versace are some of the famous names that feature in the show. The public will be able to observe the evolution, the change and the restyling of the principal Italian brands through their iconographic path in the country's industrial and graphic history. The exhibition will remain open from March 1st until April 7th at the IIC in Lima.

(© 9Colonne - citare la fonte)