Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

From Italy to the conquest of the world in the sign of bioplastics

BigItaly focus
BigiItalyfocus is a daily news service offering informations and insights on the best of the italian presence in the world.
From Monday to Friday, BigItalyFocus provides an information overview, ranged from development aid to made in Italy

From four years of research by Bio-on scientists - a leading company in the bioplastic sector in Emilia - operating in Italy and the United States, Zeropack was established, the new technology that uses agricultural waste as a carbon source for the production of 100% natural and biodegradable bioplastics. Zeropack is also a Newco, created by Bio-on (which works with companies from all over the world), and which will be owned by Rivoira (a Turin-based company operating in the industrial gas production and distribution sector. The synergy is aimed at the development of a revolutionary technology for the production of packaging for the sustainable and totally biodegradable fruit and vegetable sector.

(© 9Colonne - citare la fonte)