Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

“Lo spazio per l’opera d’arte”
at the IIC

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 “Lo spazio per l’opera d’arte” <br>at the IIC

The staging of new media works of art, the use of digital technologies, the emotional involvement of viewers and the accessibility of content are the most complex topics in contemporary museology and in the cultural planning of cities. Strategies of direct communication, immediate and cultural projects that bring citizens well-being, emotions and inner enrichment, are increasingly difficult to identify within a society of accelerated technological progress. The physical and virtual space of the works of art and exhibitions today are processed without balance, making it difficult for the public to understand art exhibitions. The architect Enza Di Vinci and the artist Christian Zanotto will analyse these topics on Wednesday, February 13th, at the Italian Institute of Culture in Amsterdam, where they will present the book "Lo spazio per l'opera d'arte"(240 pp., Bilingual, in Italian and English) published in Italy, in 2018, by Enza Di Vinci: a manual for professionals of contemporary art, for those who visit exhibitions and museums, and for those who want to specialise in exhibition layout of contemporary works of art.

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