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Friday, November 11, 2022 |
Stoltenberg: NATO is fundamental for Ukraine. Meloni: We are a loyal nation
NATO's role in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is proving decisive. And Italy is side by side with the Atlantic Alliance without hesitation. These are the opinions of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who met for the first time in person yesterday at Palazzo Chigi since the inauguration of the new Italian government.
Migrants / France and Italy's rising tensions
High tension between Rome and Paris about migrants. After the opening of the reception announced a few days ago, the French government has decided that the Ocean Viking, the ship of the NGO Sos Méditerranée with 231 migrants on board, will land in Toulon.
Market / Asian rice invades Italy
With the stop to the safeguard clause on rice, rice arrivals from Myanmar increased by more than 20 times (+2400%) in 2022, a real invasion that weighs on Italian producers already severely affected by the drought and the increase in production costs.
Technology / A meeting place for Heads of State in the Metaverse
Outatime, a new all-Italian entrepreneurial reality, has created a virtual reality chamber in the Metaverse where Heads of State may meet in utmost "physical" and "technical" security, using the greatest encryption technologies on the worldwide market and military level.
Franciscan Soup Kitchens sound the alarm: poverty overwhelms families, +79% calls for assistance
The number of families having to rely on Franciscan canteens to survive has climbed by 79% since 2019, and the trend is worse (in 2021 + 8% compared to 2020; in 2022 + 18% compared to 2021).
Cop27 / Made in Italy green hydrogen project
Creating renewable energy, hydrogen, by installing thousands of solar panels on the Egyptian plain, one of the sunniest places on the planet. This is the ambitious initiative that Hydrozero by Unicusano, IAT, and SRS will present on Monday, November 14th, at the COP 27 climate change conference.
ISTAT: Italy's GDP increased by 0.5% in the third quarter, above the eurozone average
According to Istat, the increase in economic activity was supported by the recovery of the added value of the service sector, particularly in the commerce, hotels, and public institutions sectors, as well as the transport industry.
Research / Pollution and pregnancy: fine particles increase the risk of C-section
The study was published in Environment International and recently earned a scholarship as part of the Prix Galien Italian 2022, a 70s-era French program aimed at encouraging pharmaceutical innovation and scientific research that is currently in its 30th season.
Energy, the restaurant crisis influences one-third of food spending
The issue of catering overwhelms the whole agri-food chain, since outside-the-home consumption accounts for one-third of Italians' expenditures.
Unpleasant bills for singles: +90% expenses
On Single Day, there is nothing to celebrate for the roughly 8.4 million Italians who live alone and face an average cost of living that is 90% more than the per capita cost of a normal family of three, a scenario exacerbated by bill hikes caused by the energy crisis.
Migrants / 640 people landed in Lampedusa, a 20-day-old baby died
There were 640 people disembarked in Lampedusa between yesterday and Wednesday. In a small boat, with 36 people on board, including 9 women and 2 minors, the Port Captaincy that provided assistance, also found the body of a baby of only 20 days.
Prisons, 77 suicides in 2022: never so many since the beginning of the century
"With this latest tragic case, we have 77 suicides in Italian prisons since the beginning of the year, the highest number ever (only in 2009 at the end of the year suicides exceeded 70 units, stopping at 72)," stated Stefano Anastasia, Spokesman of the Conference of Territorial Guarantors of Persons Deprived of Liberty.
ITA Airways and ENI together for aeronautical sustainability
The "Joule Discovery Lab. A possible net zero future for mobility" came into play. It is the ITA Airways and Eni co-innovation project that aims to increase the entrepreneurial skills of the employees of the two companies and a new model of sustainable development between players in the national industrial system.