A "fictitious residence" in order to provide clinical therapies and help to clochards is the tool of an article by Avvenire paper, which publishes data from Fio.psd, the Italian Federation of Bodies for the Homeless: out of a total of 96,197 registered in 2021, as found by ISTAT research center, the majority (23%) was in Rome with over 22,000 people, followed by Milan (9%, equal to about 8,650 people), Naples (7%), Turin (4%) and Genoa (3%). It is mostly men and with an average age of 41, which reaches 45 years for Italians; only 38% is represented by foreigners, coming in more than half of the cases from Africa. “Inclusion in the detection of homelessness is a positive sign, aimed at giving visibility and recognition even to segments of populations that tend to be difficult to detect statistically,” explains Fio.psd. The homeless – it is always read in the piece published by Avvenire - are registered in the registry in a fictitious residence address and at the address of the associations that work in their support.