More than fifty percent of the sixty cardinal electors at the turn of the twentieth century were Italian. Today, there are 120, and Italians constitute a minority. Therefore, it is quite probable that the next Pope will likewise be a foreigner. Following the globalization of the baptized and Catholic priests, the cardinals have altered. As Vatican geopolitics experts Marcantonio Caltabiano and Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna argue, the Pope has a greater ability to mould the College of Cardinals "in his image" now than in the past. The Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae 2020, which was issued a few days ago, makes two things clear. First, the percentage of Catholics in 103 2022 developing nations has surpassed 70 percent and is anticipated to expand in the following decades for demographic reasons. Second, Catholic clergy are increasingly concentrated in these nations, which account for around 70% of ordinations today. It is thus not impossible to envision that, even in the next decades, the College of Cardinals will continue to reflect the voice of the Catholic people on all continents and become less Italian and Western.