Damage and inconvenience aside, the plentiful snowfall in January rescues Italy from a catastrophic drought caused by 30% less precipitation in 2022, with parched land, rivers, and lakes, as well as the Alps and Apennines' low water potential stored as snow. This is what Coldiretti states in regard to the adverse weather warning of the civil protection, based on Isac Cnr data from the previous year compared to the average from 1991 to 2020. According to the traditional peasant proverb "under the snow bread," the absence of snow during this season is equally problematic for agriculture, and it is crucial to replenish water reserves with the rain. Worrisome is the fact that bad weather was accompanied by an average of over five extreme events per day, including wind storms, snow, hail, and violent precipitation that caused landslides, and floods with entire fields of orchards, vineyards, greenhouses, and stables flooded, according to an analysis by Coldiretti of data from the European Severe Weather Database (ESWD).