A historic day for world television: yesterday Pope Francis walked through the gates of the Rai Production Center in Saxa Rubra to take part in "A Sua Immagine", a program born from the collaboration between Rai and the Italian Bishops' Conference, hosted by Lorena Bianchetti. The meeting, which Pope Francis personally arranged and which was kept confidential until the last moment, was a moment of great joy and gratitude, especially because for the first time in history a Pontiff was a guest on a TV program. The visit will be broadcast in a "special" episode of "A Sua Immagine" that will be aired on Sunday, June 4, at 9:40 a.m. Italian time on Rai 1. With the presenter, Pope Francis spoke about the major issues related to this historical moment with an appeal for peace, the difficulties that everyone encounters in daily existence, the aggression that pervades social life and, finally, the role that communication and information must play in this scenario. It was a warm and emotional meeting, marked by a meditation punctuated on a few key words, inspired by the mysteries of the Rosary, summarized in a series of juxtapositions: defeat and glory, sorrow and embrace, shadow and light, restlessness and joy.