The Antitrust Authority has initiated proceedings on the super hot coffin-shaped potato chip, the "Hot Chip Challenge", which is depopulated as a challenge on TikTok among the very young. According to the Antitrust Authority, "the professional in the distribution and marketing of the product called Hot Chip Challenge, through the reference to a challenge - that is, through the claim 'how long will you be able to resist without running to drink something that will put out this fire?' - allegedly exploited the element of the challenge and its danger as leverage to increase the attractiveness of the product, and consequently of sales, so as to induce consumers (especially, minors adolescents) to neglect the normal rules of prudence and vigilance". A conduct "characterized by profiles of particular dangerousness in view of the young age, in any case adolescent, of potential buyers or in view of the resonance that the same challenge is able to have through the massive dissemination on social media," which "could integrate a case of unfair commercial practice in violation of the Consumer Code".