"The victims of road accidents are an unacceptable loss that unites families, civil society and institutions in grief." These are the comments of Sergio Mattarella, President of the Republic, on the occasion of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, which was observed yesterday. "Road safety is a priority, an objective to be achieved with concrete and immediate actions to deal with a persistent phenomenon that jeopardizes social safety," the Head of State stated. "The dramatic emergency dictated by the high number of road fatalities, which continues to be recorded on a daily basis, cannot be translated into a resigned attitude in the face of a phenomenon that, among other things, disproportionately affects children, young people under the age of 17, and "vulnerable road users. Road safety is an essential priority good, tied to the right to life, health, and freedom of movement: constitutionally given rights that can be jeopardized in an instant by reckless activity or deadly distractions with severe and irreversible repercussions." "Making the circulation of vehicles and people safe is a complex and indispensable task," he went on to say, "which requires the commitment of all the actors involved, public authorities, manufacturers, citizens, for a mobility model that aims to minimize risks."