At his death, Pope Francis will be displayed in the coffin and not on a catafalque, "with dignity but like any Christian”. Bergoglio himself tells this in the book-interview "El Sucesor" ("The Successor") by Javier Martinez-Brocal. Francis wants to simplify the funeral rite: there will be one vigil and not two and no ceremony for the closing of the coffin. The Pontiff recounted that he has already ordered a revision of papal funeral services. "The current ritual is too overloaded," he said, explaining that the wake for Benedict XVI was the last one with the Pope's body outside the coffin and the catafalque with pillows; "I spoke with the master of ceremonies and we eliminated this and many other things". In the book-interview Bergoglio also confirms that he made arrangements to be buried at St. Mary Major. The Pontiff explains that after the statue of the Queen of Peace "there is a room where they kept the candelabra". "That's the place," "they confirmed to me that everything is ready" for his future burial.