Dedicated to women was the prayer intention Pope Francis entrusted to the whole Church yesterday for the month of April through the Pope's World Prayer Network. "For the Role of Women" was the title of the theme video made opening with strong words about the condition of women: "In many parts of the world, women are treated as the first waste material. There are countries where women are denied access to aid to start a business or go to school. Also, in these places they are subject to laws that force them to dress a certain way. And in many countries, genital mutilation is still practiced today". Many women are exploited and marginalized, victims of abuse, Francis continued, but we must not deprive women "of their voice". The Pope points out how in words everyone agrees "that men and women have equal dignity as persons," in practice, however, "this does not happen". "It is necessary for governments to work to eliminate discriminatory laws, in every part of the world, and to work so that women's human rights are guaranteed," the Pontiff concluded.