Italian teenagers not only earn exceptional results in digital skills, which are considerably above the international average and comparable to Spain, France, and, slightly further away, Germany. However, compared to the previous snapshot, taken in 2018, Italy shows the greatest improvement (up to 30 points), driven by three factors: significant investments in various digital school plans, the Covid emergency (which has accelerated teaching 2.0), and the spread of technologies both in the family and in society. Surprisingly, girls outperform boys in STEM subjects, thereby breaking a prejudice that regards them as "not very talented". These findings are part of the ICILS 2023 (International Computer and Information Literacy Study), conducted by the IEA (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement). The study surveyed over 130,000 students aged 13-14, 60,000 teachers, and 5,000 schools globally, including 152 Italian schools, 3,400 students, and 2,200 teachers. For Italy, the results are particularly promising.