In Italy, the consumption of antibiotics that promote the proliferation of treatment-resistant bacteria is not curbing, so much so that, if something is not done, by 2050 antibiotic resistance (AMR) will become the leading cause of death, surpassing even cancer in the sad ranking. More than 670,000 infections with antibiotic-resistant germs occur in Europe every year, causing more than 35,000 deaths, almost a third of which occur in Italy, making it the most affected country in Europe. We are getting sicker and spending more and more, because super bacteria are responsible for a significant absorption of resources (health and non-health) that amount to about 1.5 billion euros a year. According to a recent European report, deaths caused in Italy by antimicrobial-resistant hospital infections would be about 12,000, a third of all deaths occurring in hospitals. In fact, in the two-year period 2022-23, 430 thousand inpatients will have contracted an infection while in hospital, 8.2% of the total number of patients compared to an EU average of 6.5%.