The small town of Castelluccio, one of the highest in the central Apennines, is a pearl of the municipality of Norcia, in the province of Perugia. Dating back to at least the 13th century, it arose in an area where artifacts from Roman times have been found. What is certain is that Castelluccio was founded by the inhabitants of Norcia to defend the pastures. Not surprisingly, traces of messages that the inhabitants "sent" each other between transhumance still remain on the walls of the houses. Moreover, pastoralism and agriculture have given rise to large deforested areas over the centuries, helping to maintain grasslands that are home to valuable plant species, such as orchids. This landscape becomes marvelous in spring, when you can admire the wild blooms of poets' narcissus, peonies, mountain tulips, asphodels and many other species. In fact, the plateau system (Piano Grande, Pian Piccolo, and Pian Perduto) is known for its spectacular colorful blooms, the duration and intensity of whose colors vary according to temperature and the presence of snow. For those interested in Umbria's cultural roots, however, Norcia offers many possibilities, both for tourists and returning emigrants interested in discovering local traditions. In addition to the truffle, the star of the region's kitchens to which the International Market Exhibition of the Black Truffle of Norcia and the Typical Products of the Valnerina and the Sibillini Mountains National Park is dedicated in February, the following are worth tasting: the PGI lentil soup of Castelluccio and sausages, ricotta cheesecake, cold cuts and in general the pork products for which the town is famous. You can taste all dishes during the events that enliven the town throughout the year: the Pasquarella on January 5 (popular song of the "pasquarellari"); the Benedictine Torch "Pro Pace" traveling since 1964 on the days before March 20 and 21; the Feast of St. Anthony Abbot on January 17 with the traditional blessing of livestock, salt and grain; the Good Friday procession; "Piantamaggio" on April 30; the "Fiorita" in the locality of Castelluccio on the occasion of the blooming of the flowers; and "Le Campane" or "Li Fauni" on December 9 (to celebrate the translation of the house of the Madonna from Nazareth to Loreto). This is the most authentic Umbria: unspoiled nature, unforgettable flavors and unmissable events.