The goal is to strengthen the position of Made in Italy eyewear in the United States, the top destination market for Italian sunglasses and frames, by identifying new business prospects that can reverse the drop shown in the first half of 2024. This is the goal of our combined participation in the Vision Expo East 2025 event, which will be held at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando from February 19 to 22. The expo is one of the main industry events in the United States and around the world, showcasing the most recent innovations and trends in eyewear. The 2024 edition had 508 exhibitors, both American and international, over an exhibition area of approximately 14,900 square meters, with around 9,000 professional visitors. Participation in Vision Expo East 2025 aims to continue the sector's promotional efforts, which included sectoral roadshows in New York, Boston, Chicago, and Seattle in 2022 and 2023, as well as participation in the fair in 2024.