Italian businesses continue to invest in digital, a sector deemed critical to maintaining competitiveness. For several years, the most structured organizations have concentrated digital spending on cybersecurity systems (57%), as well as business intelligence and data visualization solutions. However, this year, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Computing, and Machine Learning Solutions have risen to third place, with 43% of companies planning to invest as a priority. Similarly, Generative AI, which is in fifth place with 39%, is growing rapidly. Cybersecurity (31%) leads among SMEs, followed by Cloud migration and management (25%), and Industry 4.0 applications and technology (24%). This is according to research by the Politecnico di Milano's Startup Thinking and Digital Transformation Academy Observatories, which predicts a 1.5% increase in companies' ICT budgets by 2025, consistent with the previous nine years' trends. Small (+3.7%) and medium-sized (+4%) businesses contributed most to growth, while large ones were steadier.