Italy has a long tradition of hospitality but struggles to "capitalize" on the human potential brought by immigration. The issue is that the country, as well as Germany, France, Spain, and Belgium, is capable of coexisting with immigrants. However, there are no forward-thinking policies that can develop strategies and enhance the professionalism of individuals from other backgrounds. This is highlighted in a report on "Migration and Inclusion" by Mediobanca's Research Area, which notes that residence permits for work purposes accounted for only 15% of the total, compared to 40% for family reunifications. Conversely, EU countries with more recent integration efforts, such as Eastern Europe or areas with weaker economies, show a predominance of work permits at 57%, against just 14% for family-related permits. "While in the major European economies today most permit requests are for reunification or asylum, immigrants arriving in Italy for work purposes are often employed in low-value-added roles that contribute little to the national GDP", explains Gabriele Barbaresco, Director of Mediobanca's Research Area. "This underscores the need for forward-looking integration policies lasting at least ten years, the time required for tangible results to emerge. Immigration is a resource, but it also represents a challenging political choice, with startup costs that are only repaid in the medium to long term".