Martina Voce, a 21-year-old Florentine student, was seriously injured in an Italian store in Oslo, where she worked. The attacker, her 20-year-old ex-boyfriend, a Norwegian computer scientist of Indian descent, was stopped by two of the victim's colleagues, one of whom stabbed him. Martina is currently hospitalized in critical condition and in a medically induced coma. "She is still life-threatening, but doctors are hopeful," her father said. "She will face more operations, but we are in the best hospital in Norway". The relationship between the two had ended in September, but the boy had not accepted the breakup and began stalking her with calls and texts. Although he had no criminal record and showed no signs of being unbalanced, the attack took place in the "Smak av Italia" store, located in the Vulkan shopping center in the Grünerløkka district.