A delicate operation at the Mangiagalli Clinic of the Policlinico di Milano saved the life of Anna (fictitious name), born prematurely at 28 weeks by emergency C-section. The baby, who weighed only 1.6 kg at birth, had a 600-gram benign tumor removed, a rare sacrococcygeal teratoma discovered during the 16th week of gestation. The tumor, characterized by rapid growth, was endangering the function of internal organs and the baby's very life. At 26 weeks, an initial surgery in utero disrupted the blood vessels feeding the mass, allowing the baby to remain in the womb for two more weeks. At birth, Anna underwent a complex two-hour surgery that removed the tumor without compromising her urogenital system. Ernesto Leva, pediatric surgeon and Director of the Maternal-Child Area Department, stressed the importance of collaboration between different hospital specialties, from fetal surgery to pediatric radiology to neonatal intensive care.