A team game between central institutions, local authorities, the private sector and associations to bring millions of Italians living abroad back to their places of origin and at the same time enhance the small villages of our country. Operation “Tourism of the Roots” accelerates thanks to Italea, the project of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation launched in 2024 (Year of Italian Roots in the World) within the PNRR project and financed by NextGenerationEU, with the aim of encouraging the return and reception of Italian-descendant emigrants. It is a phenomenon of large numbers, as the latest data included in a study by Assoturismo Confesercenti in collaboration with CST - Centro Studi Turistici di Firenze - highlights. In 2024, tourist arrivals closely linked to the motivation of “visiting the country of origin” were more than 6.6 million, or +6.2% compared to expectations at the beginning of the year, and about 34.4 million tourist presences. By 2024, estimates of spending by “root” travelers indicate an amount of about €5 billion. A value that is destined to grow further to stand at over €5.5 billion in 2026. Initial estimates of the results achieved would indicate a clear progress of this segment, thanks in part to the support of promotional initiatives that have taken place throughout the year. “From Root Tourism a flow of tourism can be triggered that affects the whole country and is therefore something extremely important for the entire tourism chain. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is moving well from this point of view. It is necessary,” says Vittorio Messina, President of Assoturismo, “to institutionalize this kind of tourism. We have to believe in it, so that the effect we achieved in 2024 will also be realized in the future and become fundamental for the national supply chain”.