The launch of the telematic criminal trial, scheduled for the new year, has begun in total chaos in all Italian courts. From the Capital to Santa Maria Capua Vetere, passing through all judicial cities, the situation is described as "very serious" and total confusion in the courtrooms is reported. In many locations, hearings have been suspended or postponed, with technical problems related to the digital signature of judges and the drafting of the telematic record, difficulties that have led to continuous inconveniences and interruptions of activities. The National Association of Magistrates (ANM) has not hesitated to speak of a "failure announced" for a reform that, at least for now, seems not ready to take off. In particular, in Rome and other cities, court presidencies have been caught unprepared, forcing sudden decisions. In Rome, for example, it was decided to suspend the application of the telematic criminal process for a month to try to solve technical problems. In Milan, too, the reform has been put on standby: until March 31, in fact, it will be possible to draft and file acts, documents and requests even in analog mode, continuing to rely on old methods. The discontent among criminal lawyers is palpable, and on the Facebook pages of the magazine Terzultima Fermata, a point of reference for practitioners, reports of discomfort are pouring in. The stop to hearings and the postponement of trials are creating a real paralysis, with obvious repercussions on the normal course of cases.