"Multipli Forti," an initiative by the Italian Cultural Institute of New York led by Fabio Finotti, is returning to the Big Apple from January 14 to 16. The event, directed by Maria Ida Gaeta and aimed at the reading public and the worldwide publishing world, provides a transatlantic window on today's important trends in Italian literature, as told by the authors who have written and continue to write it. An annual event aimed at building a literary bridge between Italy and the United States that transcends cultural stereotypes. Featured participants include prominent figures such as Emanuela Anechoum, Andrea Bajani, Chiara Benettollo, Luca Briasco, Monica Calabritto, Andrea Capra, Ilide Carmignani, Leonardo Colombati, Gabriella Dal Lago, Ruth Dickey, Donatella Di Pietrantonio, Nicholas Durling, Michael Frank, Mariangela Gualtieri, Lorenza Honorati, Laura Imai Messina, Christoph Irmscher, Anita Likmeta, Maddalena Maggi, Iuri Moscardi, Gabriele Pedullà, Michael Reynolds, Paolo Repetti, Brian Robert Moore, Matteo Nucci, Paolo Pecere, Carmen Pellegrino, Clara Ramazzotti, Eugenio Refini, Olivia Sears, Aurora Tamigio, Alessia Valfredini, Vincenzo Trione, Carlo Vecce, Nicoletta Verna, and Marco Vigevani.