"Drugs cannot be justified because drugs and the mafia are inextricably linked. In Tor Bella Monaca, drugs are the cause, not the result, of a mafia system". This is the request, which was taken up on social media, that Don Antonio Coluccia issued a few days ago from his microphone in Tor Bella Monaca, a suburb on the outskirts of Rome that is one of the city's biggest drug selling zones. It is one of the areas where the 49-year-old parish priest, who was born in Lecce to a working family, goes at night armed with a microphone, whistle, and rosary to make noise and make life more difficult for drug traffickers, but also to listen and give hope to people looking for a way out. Not just that. Don Coluccia, who is perpetually accompanied by his escort to protect him from potential aggressions (the most recent threat was received at the Quarticciolo last summer), also endeavors to assist in the restoration of the squares to the community by organizing soccer games and dressing up as Santa Claus to distribute gifts during the holidays. Concrete alternatives to drugs, which, according to Don Coluccia, are a "beast" that "denies happiness" and "narcotizes consciences".