Justice Minister Carlo Nordio has filed a request with the Milan Court of Appeals to revoke the precautionary measure for Iranian citizen Abedini Najafabadi Mohammad, who was arrested last December at the request of the United States. The revocation, signed by Minister Nordio, was granted as a matter of urgency by a panel of the Fifth Court of Appeals, which on Sunday morning, shortly after 9 a.m., ordered the 38-year-old engineer's release. Abedini left Italy immediately, taking off for Tehran where his return was confirmed by the Iranian Foreign Ministry. In an official memo, the Ministry of Justice clarified the reasons for the decision, explaining that under the extradition treaty between Italy and the United States, only those accused of crimes recognized as such by both legislations can be extradited. Specifically, the charge of “conspiracy to violate the IEEPA” (International Emergency Economic Powers Act) has no correspondence in Italian criminal law, which is why extradition could not be granted.