The public finances and immigration front have brought "two good news of which we must be proud, and which encourage us to continue with constancy and determination". This is what Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni remarked during yesterday's Council of Ministers meeting, icommenting on data regarding government bonds and immigration trends reported by Frontex. The Parliamentary Budget Office estimated that Italy will save €10.4 billion in the 2025/26 biennium compared to forecasts in the April 2024 DEF (rising to €21 billion when including 2027). The figures also showed an improvement from the previous September, with the PBO estimating a spread level for the next few years that was on average 30 points lower per year than the Government's projection in the 2025 Structural Budget Plan. This resulted in interest savings of €17.1 billion in the 2025-29 period (€4.3 billion in the two-year period 2025/26). It is the outcome of the government's reputation and dependability, which was underlined by the recently passed budget law. This dependability translates into a fall in debt spreads and rates, and the popularity of Italian government bonds grows with each new offering, setting a new record of requests". "We must be proud of this", says Meloni, "because the billions saved will be spent on health care, education, low-income assistance, tax cuts, and infrastructure investments. This is a significant departure from previous poor decisions". "A change of pace” adds the head of government, "that we additionally record on another front, and I arrive at the second positive news of the day. I'm referring to the reversal of the trend we've seen in the governance of migratory flows. Today, Frontex reports that the overall number of irregular migrants registered in the European Union in 2024 has dropped to its lowest level since 2021, when migration flows were still impacted by the Covid epidemic. Reduction in flows is mostly due to a significant drop in entry via the central Mediterranean route as a result of the collapse of departures from Tunisia and Libya". "This is undoubtedly a consequence of Italy's actions, just as the general decrease in irregular entries into the European Union, particularly on other routes, such as the Balkan route, is contingent upon the exceptional efforts of our government in recent years, which are yielding superior outcomes", Meloni concludes.