SpaceX's Falcon 9 carrier rocket has launched the US Blue Ghost lander into space, carrying the Italian Lugre device to the Moon. The launch, conducted from the Kennedy Space Center, also included the Japanese private lunar rover Resilience. The payload, which was totally conceived and produced in Italy on behalf of the Italian Space Agency (ASI), represents a significant technological advancement. The project is the outcome of a collaboration between ASI and NASA as part of the Artemis program, which aims to prepare future lunar missions. Lugre, a cutting-edge satellite navigation receiver developed by the Italian company Qascom with scientific cooperation from the Polytechnic University of Turin, is one of ten payloads carried by the Blue Ghost lander, created by the American corporation Firefly. In approximately a month, Lugre will reach lunar orbit and arrive on our satellite's surface in early March. This mission's achievement represents a new milestone in international cooperation as well as Italian space technology.