Each year in Italy there are 400,000 fewer births than in the past, and half of these are attributable to male health issues, particularly inadequate semen. This was highlighted by Professor Vincenzo Mirone, a renowned urologist, president of the PRO (Prevention Research Oncology) Foundation and professor of Urology at Pegaso University, during a speech to RaiNews24. "If in the past the conscription checkup allowed young men to receive an initial assessment of their reproductive health, today this opportunity has disappeared," Mirone explained, pointing out that very few young men currently undergo a spermogram, a crucial test to diagnose any fertility problems. The urologist made a clear appeal: "The advice is this: as soon as you get out of adolescence, around 18 years old, the first rule is to have a urological examination and a spermiogram. This would allow us to address the causes of the 200,000 fewer births each year attributable to male issues in a timely manner".