Prefect Vittorio Rizzi officially takes charge of the Department of Security Information following the resignation of Ambassador Elisabetta Belloni. The transition was less smooth than the government had hoped. This is why the first priority awaiting Rizzi, born in 1959, who spent his career in the State Police, rising to the position of deputy chief before transitioning to the intelligence services as deputy director of AISI, is to "keep the system together", as expert observers put it. This means re-establishing boundaries and responsibilities while earning the trust of the internal security agency (AISI) and external security agency (AISE), headed by Bruno Valensise and Giovanni Caravelli, respectively, to prevent them from acting independently. Italy does not have a unified intelligence service, as envisioned by Alfredo Mantovano, the Undersecretary and delegated authority for intelligence. However, the system must at least operate cohesively to be effective. The challenge for the new DIS director lies in navigating the complexity of the international landscape, marked by ongoing tensions and conflicts whose resolution remains uncertain.