Pizza is so popular among Italians that four out of ten families (40%) make it at home, sometimes using special flours or gourmet components. This is the result of a survey released on the occasion of International Pizza Day, which is celebrated on January 17. A symbol of Italy at the table, known all over the world for its constantly expanding global turnover, which reached a record value of around 160 billion euros in 2024, according to a Coldiretti elaboration on Vpa Research data. The do-it-yourself preparation also reacts to emerging market trends toward gourmet and artisanal pizzas, which are affecting purchase behavior, with consumers demanding distinctive flavors and high-quality ingredients. Examples include flours from ancient grains saved from extinction by farmers and products with protected designation or locally sourced origins, combined with tomato sauce and mozzarella, preferably Made in Italy. Coldiretti highlights that making pizza at home also resolves the issue of the originality of the ingredients in Italy, where nearly two out of every three pizzas are made with products that are imported from thousands of kilometers away without any notification to the consumer, such as Lithuanian mozzarella, Chinese tomato paste, Tunisian oil, or Hungarian wheat flour. It is also for this reason that Coldiretti has started a massive mobilization in support of a European public proposal for mandatory origin labeling on all food items sold in the EU. In Italy alone, pizza generates over €15 billion in revenue.