How do Italians view the elimination of fact checking announced by Meta? According to a survey by Termometro Politico study center, the most frequent answer is “It's about time, fact checkers have always been biased, siding almost only for the left woke, they have always censored free thought” (30%). On the other hand, with a slightly lower percentage (28.8%) there are those who consider it “bad news, Zuckerberg wanted to align himself with the political climate, thus favoring Trumpian propaganda and fake news”. The most extreme responses outnumber those in between. 18.9% believe they agree, “but it is right that community notes are implemented in a serious way, a form of control against fake news must remain”. Finally, some 12.8% of the sample disagrees strongly as “the fact checking system needed to be reformed by making it more balanced, but not eliminated”. There is also a significant portion of the sample (nearly 1 in 10, that is 9.5%) who do not know or do not intend to answer.