First green light by the Chamber to the reform that doubles the High Council of the Judiciary, creating one judging body and another requiring body, and introducing the drawing of lots as a criterion for the selection of their members. It is the first step in the introduction of career separation, long a center-right workhorse, and hailed today as a victory by Justice Minister Carlo Nordio: "Career separation was a great success of my government and my personal history. I understand that the things that I have written over the past 30 years may not be fully realized, but the mother of reforms, which is the separation of careers and especially the establishment of the high court of justice and the drawing of lots of magistrates, will have a whole series of positive consequences for the judiciary itself to follow”. The road, however, admits Nordio, is still long and not without obstacles, since in all likelihood a referendum will have to be used, "both for a pure reason, because there will not be two-thirds and for a practical reason: for such a complex, delicate matter, and also one of great political sensitivity, it is good that the people should have their say". Another major change is the creation of the High Disciplinary Court, an independent body with exclusive jurisdiction over disciplinary matters involving judges and prosecutors. The reform, however, has not been and will not be without debate: oppositions, in fact, raise concerns about the effectiveness of the draw in ensuring competence and representativeness, but also about the very impact of separation on the unity of the judicial function.