Are we really alone in the universe? Are there traces of past civilizations or precursors to the development of life? Humankind has always asked these questions. Scientific research seeks the answers in several directions. On the one hand with observation from the earth or from satellites around our planet in search of planets where life can develop, called extrasolar planets; in the last two decades thousands have been detected around stars at different distances from us. A second line involves listening to signals from the cosmos, both radio and light, in search of possible "signatures" attesting to an artificial transmitter. The third, much more ambitious line is to visit these “candidates”, make observations of the measurements and report them back home. A research team from the University of Padua coordinated by Paolo Villoresi, of the university's Department of Information Engineering, recently published in the journal Physical Review Research, of the American Physical Society, a study where they propose a communication system that a probe launched from Earth can use to transmit observations made during its passage around the exo-planet Proxima Centauri B. This is the closest star system to our own, known as Alpha Centauri, which is the main star in the constellation Centaurus, visible in the southern skies. This is a group of three stars about 4.3 light-years from the sun. Basically, the study indicates how to size the optical system that will send the light messages with the data, how to actually make the emitters and, finally, with what protocol to transmit the data considering the enormous distance of the probe once it reaches the planet, from the earth. This distance is about 40 million billion kilometers and represents the extreme of communication systems considered so far.