The list of contributions made by citizens to political parties with a 0.2% deduction on taxes payable to the state has been released. The Democratic Party has once again topped the rankings. With almost 10 million euros and 628 thousand subscribers, the Democratic Party has received the highest public funding, more than tripling Fratelli d'Italia, which was second. Giorgia Meloni's party received approximately 5.5 million euros, which was also an increase over 2022. The 5 Star Movement follows with 2 million and 700,000 euros. Following in the rankings are Europa Verde and Sinistra Italiana, nearly tied with about €1.4 million each and an increasing number of contributors. The League for Salvini Premier follows with €1.15 million, to which must be added the money donated to the Northern League for the Independence of Padania (approximately 464 thousand euros), further boosting the political party’s total. In contrast, Forza Italia, which has approximately 45,000 financiers, has a cap of just over 800,000 euros.