The Day of Remembrance and Sacrifice of the Alpini, or highly specialized mountain troops of the Italian Army, as they were for the Royal Army, was held yesterday. Among the comments in this regard was that of the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Lorenzo Fontana: "Recurring on the anniversary of the Battle of Nikolajewka," he let it be known, "it is an important moment to honor the memory of the fallen and to hold us with respect and affection to their families. The work of our Black Feathers remains a global example of dedication, solidarity, action oriented to the common good. Deep is the gratitude to the Corps and the National Alpine Association for their commitment yesterday and today, in service to communities, in emergencies and for peace". The official nature of the anniversary dates back to May 5, 2022, the day on which the law establishing the Day of Remembrance and Sacrifice of the Alpines was published, the date of which refers to the battle of Nikolajewka fought precisely on January 26, 1943, by the Alpines during the Russian retreat.