The "model customer" is the new standard for Italian venues: does not bring weapons or drugs onto the premises; no pepper spray; avoids harassing behavior and does not leave glass bottles lying around; does not introduce drugs or alcoholic beverages that have not been administered by the venue; does not damage fire-fighting devices and furnishings; does not prevent or make it difficult to use emergency exits; and avoids harassing behavior or behavior that may disturb the public peace. This is the description of the "model customer" envisioned by the "Code of Conduct" that will be posted in bars and nightclubs, hotels and bathing establishments, and amusement and game rooms. The Code is provided for in the "Guidelines for the prevention of illegal acts and situations of danger to public order and safety in and in the immediate vicinity of public establishments", contained in a decree by Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi published in the Official Gazette. The guidelines, however, Viminale sources point out, "provide guidelines for entering into agreements at the territorial level that can be adhered to on a voluntary basis, with no obligation and therefore no new costs for operators". The Viminal, in fact, wants to initiate "a system of industrious cooperation" with trade associations that will enter into provincial-level agreements with prefects, which individual operators can join. The goal is to "raise the level of prevention of illegality and situations of danger to public order and safety in and in the immediate vicinity" of premises, enhancing "the behavior of merchants who intend to contribute to the maintenance of legality". Thus, those who adopt the Code of Conduct and other actions stipulated in the decree can avoid the automatism of closure and license suspension in case of disturbances. The Code will have to be posted "prominently inside the premises" and publicized "also on the websites of the establishments themselves". Therefore, merchants are urged to enhance preventive measures, including through video surveillance systems, choice of a security contact person, ensuring adequate lighting and identification of minors, as well as reporting any circumstances that may lead to disturbances or negative reflections on public order and safety.