"Eighty years ago, the horror of the Shoah revealed itself to the world in all its terrifying force. On January 27, 1945, the gates of Auschwitz were torn down, and along with them fell the wall that had prevented the full abomination of the Nazi plan of persecution and extermination of the Jewish people from being seen". This is the opening of a statement by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on the occasion of Holocaust Remembrance Day and the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. "Men, women, children and the elderly torn from their homes, forced to leave everything, taken to extermination camps and killed only because they were Jewish," she continued. "A plan whose premeditated ferocity makes the Shoah a tragedy unparalleled in history. A strategy carried out by the Hitler regime, which in Italy also found the complicity of the fascist one, through the notoriety of racial laws and participation in roundups and deportations”. “Honoring Memory also entails safeguarding the truth from denialism, the resurgence of anti-Semitism, all forms of racism and hatred, disinformation, and those who attempt to rewrite history to their advantage. The tragedy of the Holocaust has left subsequent generations with the obligation of passing on the memories and combating hatred so that it no longer exists in our society. This is and will always be our commitment", adds Democratic Party secretary Elly Schlein.