Meetings between Italian companies that produce car components and representatives of the Chinese company BYD, the world's leading producer of electric vehicles, are scheduled between February 20 and 22: BYD's goal is to find suppliers ready to produce thousands of quality components to be used in the new plants that will be opened in Hungary and Turkey. The meetings are particularly eagerly awaited because they will be held in Turin, where the Stellantis crisis has caused the closure of dozens of companies producing components such as seats, oil and air filters, sunroofs, and accessories. BYD, an acronym for “Build Your Dreams”, is a Chinese company founded in 1995, initially specializing in the production of rechargeable batteries. BYD produces not only cars: its range also includes buses and trucks of various kinds, from garbage trucks to huge vehicles used in mines to transport ore. Last year BYD had orders for 120,000 cars in Europe, including 3,500 in Italy.