FantaSanremo, a game that is inspired by the Italian Song Festival and involves the organization and management of virtual teams composed of five of the competing artists, has achieved an impressive milestone: one million members. This achievement is largely due to the contributions of Topo Gigio, an anthropomorphic puppet that was developed in 1959 for the television program "Serata di gala”. Topo Gigio, performing alongside Tuscan singer-songwriter Lucio Corsi, has already become a festival sensation, capturing the attention of FantaSanremo players. Although the final classification of the singing competition is not influenced by the cover night, the FantaSanremo will be influenced by the bonuses and maluses associated with the performances. Points will be awarded based on details such as outfits, gestures, and remarks spoken onstage. While Topo Gigio gains popularity, Achille Lauro, Elodie Olly, Giorgia, and Tony Effe continue to be the most popular team captains. Along with them are names like Emis Killa, Modà, Rkomi, and Sarah Toscano, this edition's youngest contestant. The administrators of FantaSanremo have promised additional surprises, including a new theme song that is guaranteed to be iconic and daily updates on social media. Sanremo 2025 begins on February 11, with FantaSanremo set to deliver emotions and twists.