Antonio Tajani, Italy's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, launched the program of the ‘Italian Fashion Days in the World’ in the magnificent setting of Rome's historic Villa Madama. The event provided an opportunity to sign a memorandum of understanding between the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, trade associations, and companies representing fashion in Italy and around the world, with the goal of enhancing the sector as a reference point for Made in Italy and accounting for 13% of Italian exports. "I would like to express my gratitude to all of you, the entrepreneurs and artisans who are advocates for beauty. We want you to be ambassadors of Italian beauty over the world. But this choice, this commitment to improving know-how in a specific sector that puts us at the top of the world rankings, such as fashion, must be part of a project aimed at reaching 700 billion euros in exports by the end of this legislative term", the Italian Foreign Minister told Italian fashion representatives. The signing of the treaty also demonstrated the parties' commitment to combating counterfeiting of Italian goods, which produces massive losses for the sector each year. Tajani confirmed the Italian government's and institutions' willingness to battle the situation and commit to promoting original Made in Italy products as a global icon of Italian culture and creativity.