Lazio, with a school dropout rate of 6.1%, is well below the Italian average of 10.5% and meets and exceeds the 9% target set by the European Union's 2030 Strategy. This is what emerges from an analysis by the Center for Studies of the Art. 49 Foundation presented at the event "InClasse: roots for the future - Learning, understanding, participating, to grow aware citizens" held today in Rome. A situation, that of early dropout from education or training, which presents great differences within our country. According to Fondazione Art. 49's reprocessing of regional Eurostat data, in fact, as many as 11 Italian regions are strongly out of line. In particular, Sardinia and Sicily are the worst regions with a dropout rate of 17.3% and 17.1%, respectively, followed by the autonomous province of Bolzano (16.2%). The two islands are also the two regions among the 20 worst in the European Union: Sardinia is 14th and Sicily 17th. Campania is also bad with 16%.