26700 applications have been submitted in the past month to participate in the first national qualification exam to become a tour guide, more than doubling the Ministry of Tourism's initial predictions of 10,000. Participation costs ten euros. There are three tests: one written, with 80 multiple-choice questions to complete in 90 minutes. The second test is an oral examination that is reserved for individuals who have achieved a score of 25 or higher in the first written test, out of a maximum of 40. It includes an interview to evaluate their knowledge of written subjects and at least one foreign language. The technical-practical examination is a simulation of a visit to a destination that is selected by lot and is conducted in both Italian and a foreign language. People who successfully complete all three tests will be included to the Ministry of Tourism's national list of tourist guides. The portal allows you to see each guide's qualifications, specializations, language abilities, and the most recent professional update. All guides are expected to complete at least 50 hours of training every three years. An identification certificate, which is priced at 30 euros, is mandatory for both new and experienced guides.